Hi folks,

Is there a way to track a particular individual visiting your forum? I have the IP address of a particular individual and it would be of great help if i could determine whether or not he visits our forum.


Background: I am grateful to all here. You've enabled me to save our forum from certain toilettesville. You've consistenly enabled me to successfully resolve a multitude of tech problems.

But both myself and my fellow mods have been inadequate in the "people skills" department. None of us even wanted to attempt it. And, in a nutshell, a member who is a "con artist" basically exploited the XXXX out of this weakness in our forum.

I'm 99.9999% certain that this con artist recently committed "pseuicide."


And at the moment, it would be greatly helpful if i had hard evidence that could convince a few key players of this. If i could do this before our little forum is badly damaged. Before our forum's longtime female members feel publicly humiliated. (1) Before someone basically tells innocent women that they've been stupid for years.

If anyone has any other tips they would be welcomed.

[I've been very proud to be a part of my forum. But today i am embarrassed. [Linked Image from i933.photobucket.com] ]


Faking Death, Pseuicide, Munchausen by Proxy

"How to Deal With Someone Exhibiting Munchausen by Internet

The impact of this kind of deception on Internet communities is pretty bad. It tends to rip them apart, as people take sides, some believing the ruse and others pointing out the deception

Victims of such deceit say that they feel "emotionally raped" when they find out that they've been deceived. Sometimes, [online groups, like our forum,] that have fallen prey to such a scenario never recover from the negativity and schisms that arise."

-- Dr. Marc Feldman


(1) I am not being sexist. Rather i am just acknowledging that very insightful and intelligent women have left our forum. And those that remain, sadly, are not the sharpest of the bunch. And my adversary is having a field day with them.

EDIT: This is the first "red exclamation" post that i've ever made. Forgive me being dramatic, but i feel as though i could be watching our 10 year forum come to an end.

Thanks again for all the help.

Last edited by tacks; 07/13/2012 11:54 AM.