Are you looking for images to change when refresh the page or automatically change every few seconds? Either way youll need to modify the portal.tpl but will only have to do it once. Where you placed the code for the image use a php includes so you only need to edit that file once to change images.

Replace the image code you added with something like this

PHP Code
{php} include("/path/to/includes/script.php"); {/php} 

This means you'll only need to edit the script.php or what ever you name it.php to add or remove images and links.

If your wanting it to change when you refresh page you would add some php code to the script.php or what ever you name it.php like this.

PHP Code







/*The above code has created 2 arrays, one array of image
 urls and another array for the  links  that go with them. You can
 add as many as you like, increasing the number  in the 
[square brackets] by 1 as you do. */

/*this line counts how many banners you have in your arrays,
 but since arrays start at number 0, we minus 1 from the count*/

$which_banner=(rand(0, $banner_count));
/*this line picks a random number between 0(the start of our array) 
and the current  banner count */

/*this next bit of code displays the chosen banner as a link */
print "<center><a href=\"$banner_link[$which_banner]\" target=\"_blank\">
<img src=\"$banner_src[$which_banner]\" border=\"0\"></a></center>";

Now if you want it to automatically change images you'll need some java scripting or do a flash image. Just replace that code with the php coding in the script.php or what ever you name it.php file.