Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 2621440) (tried to allocate 7680 bytes) in /home/nobs/public_html/NoBsWorld/libs/ on line 197
The webserver cannot allocate enough memory from the server to preform the requested task.

Sugguested action would be to increase the amount of memory that PHP is allowed to use.

Primary IP:
Service: nameserver
Notification Type: failed
Notification: nameserver failed @ Wed Mar 13 16:01:29 2013. A restart was attempted automagically.
Service Check Method: [check command]
Number of Restart Attempts: 1
Service Check Raw Output:

named is not running

Startup Log:

Starting named: [ OK ]
Your DNS server is crashing, nothing really to do with the UBB.

Load Information: 15.51 5.78 2.09
Lemme guess, shared hosting service? That's one hell of a load...

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