One of our members found a clue to the 403 errors and it's a weird one:
The word "Methyl pred nisone" seems to be a verboten word here.
when its all written together.
Same for pred nisone.
I'm good if i break it up, but when i try to write the word pred-nisone all together, the site forbids it.
i figured it out because the site just wouldn't let me write the one paragraph.
So i thought maybe it didn't like certain words, so i played around with those words and then it worked.
i wonder if there are other verboten words people are using that the site is denying?
we all know that steroids have their evil side, but never would have guessed that it was so evil that we could not speak it! ha ha!
I'm just happy to have cracked the code!

There's nothing in the banned words list or anywhere else I can find where this can be searched or even analyzed. Perhaps you can see where we have to go?
