
See below
Is there a way to set UBB code as mentioned, do we have options in admin panel that effect when connections closes?

Please ensure that your code closes any connections to the database once no longer required

Issue: Database/MYSQL
Problem Description:
7/22/2013 7:46:01 AM - Online Customer:
Hi, our database seems to get blocked and we don't have that much traffic. could you please help.... Script: - Line: Unable to connect to the database! - Host 'lnh-xxxxj.xxxx.xxxx.com' is blocked because of many connection errors; unblock with 'mysqladmin flush-hosts'

Solution History On Ticket:
7/22/2013 8:16:03 AM - Darren T.:
Dear Morgan ,
Thank you for choosing Web.com technical support.
I am not able to replicate your issue. There are a limited ammount of connections (780) allowed to a database and the error message means that these connections have been exceeded. Please ensure that your code closes any connections to the database once no longer required

Morgan Johansson
BritBike Forum