Originally Posted by Ruben
2nd item is some people may still have a valid email account but don't use that specific email anymore.

This is why I'm moving them to another group instead of getting rid of their accounts altogether. Our board members are required to maintain a valid email account at all times, and I posted a global announcement a few weeks prior to starting this process. So I can still "re-activate" them if they want to be re-activated.

Originally Posted by Ruben
3rd item is your host may be limiting how many emails can be sent per minute/hour/day/month.
So they throttle the number of messages sent ad do not allow all of them to be delivered.
You may want to contact your host about this item to verify.

I'll have to ask our website guy about this one. I don't know because I sent out an email, got something like 20 undeliverables, cleaned them up and immediately sent out another one and get 20 more. Anyways - certainly worth a check.

Originally Posted by Ruben
As far as the one member that never got one.
send one to him directly from the ubb

Well that was just kind of an example. There are many more than just the one guy who didn't get any of the emails. It seems like only people with low registration numbers are getting them. Member numbers at least 700 and up are not receiving them, out of a board with 5500 members. Member numbers below that may also not be getting them, but that's the lowest confirmed number I have.

I'll have my website guy check on whether the host will limit emails or not. I really wanted to use this email feature to keep our members informed and up to date with everything that is going on with the club and message board.

I forgot to mention in my initial post the way I am sending out the emails. I went to Member Management in the CP, pulled up every member via search in all member groups, Selected "Email" via the Action dropdown, Selected "All Members in Search", then on the following page "Send Mail Directly to Members".