I think I did say max.

But there is no notation that if you set it to null sec. it will be 7 days.
If you set it to 31536000 it will again default to a max of 7 days.
Only if you use a value between 0-604800 will it allow it to be 7 days or less.
Of course. a value of say 0-1 would probably render the site useless unless they allow guests to post.

But bottom line is if I elect 31536000 and submit, the control panel still displays 31536000 and 31536000 is saved in config.ini.php. but is hardcoded to limit the duration to 604800(7days). Leading users to think they have in fact changed the cookie duration to 365 days where it really did not happen.

Blue Man Group
There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers