I can't seem to get it to work. I've got the javascript in the head, and the embedding code in a post which I'm previewing, but I'm getting 404s in the logs and no clue why.

Any help from someone who has successfully done this would be appreciated.

file structure:
/ubbthreads/jwplayer/player files
/ubbthreads/videos/video files (all .flv videos)

Javascript in the head:
<script src="/ubbthreads/jwplayer/jwplayer.js" ></script>

I have tried ubbthreads/jwplayer..., /jwplayer/... and jwplayer, all without success.

Embed code in the body:
<div id="myElement">Loading the player ...</div><script type="text/javascript">
file: "/ubbthreads/videos/Session1.flv",
height: 360,
width: 640

Same thing here. I've tried ubbthreads/videos/...., /videos/.. and videos/.... all without success.

Here's a log file entry:

/var/log/ubb/access_log:cpe-76-183-65-74.tx.res.rr.com - - [02/Oct/2013:14:23:55 -0500] "GET /ubbthreads/FlashPlayer.swf?file=videos/Session1.flv HTTP/1.1" 404

I can't tell if this is a pathing problem or something else entirely. I'm baffled.

NOTE: The embedding works fine in a very simple html page.