Originally Posted by Bill B
Yep, I've had a few folks do the same thing.... One even began to manually delete all 2,000 of his posts... luckily I found out and banned his account.
I had a moderator once who, instead of just resigning his position, pruned all of his forums to 0 and told me to "grow up" because it was "feeble" to run a successful site; this was far before I kept regular backups, but his actions ultimately killed the site (he was the moderator of our busiest sections).

Did I neglect to mention that I had known him for like 10 years by this time and he was about the last person that I would have expected this out of?

The irony is that a couple of months prior we had a staff meeting and where coming up with ideas to make a sister site for gaming discussions (like I said, the site USED to be popular, primarily through search engine traffic), but with all of the content which would have been migrated over purged there was not anything to work with.

A huge mess to realize that you can't truly trust anyone, when someone wants to leave, they're going to leave, and if they want to "leave their mark" they will the worst way possible at times :/.

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