Well the first issue to deal with is AC piggybacked on the same database as ubb.
There was no reason with a dedicated server unless they thought of merging logins for both.
And it is like 1.73gb where the ubb tables is very small like 124Mb.
I have no idea of the traffic for AC, but the forum is nothing.
But first steps would be to segregate the database tables.
One for AC and one for UBB.

Second to host just the ubb on another provider would be cumbersome.
If you want to use the same domain name.
I guess Charlie can instigate the call and see if it can be accomplished and maintenance agreements

But mx records are for email.
Not sure what you mean by AREC

Currently you still have database connection issues at least every other day.
And just two days ago the sever log reported the user table was corrupted.
I attempted a repair from the ubb control panel but I don't like doing that with out a backup and a means to restore.

As far as order number ,yes we are talking about the same.
You can change the order number to anything you want.
(5,10,15,20- 2,4,6,8- 1,2,3 4 - 100,200,300,400- 5,23,52,106)
It is just a matter of planning for the future forums you may add. And how much space you want to give yourself so You don't need to reorder every single forum when you add one.

Blue Man Group
There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers