Just like you, I too, am extremely excited to work with PHP 7.x. I've watched a lot of its progression over the years, and have read many of the recent change logs and feature lists they mention. Those changes really have me excited to get my hands on it.

Through my main pro hosting accounts with Bluehost, I'm currently on PHP 5.6.17, with no option to run anything more current on those servers. PHP 7.x is only available to me on my beta build computer that is located inside my own house (not a server).

Bluehost just made 5.6 available, but clearly states as a "beta offering" on their services -- about 2 months ago. IIRC. Bluehost skipped right over 5.5 and they don't give me the option to run the freshest, and "unproven in the wild" versions, as you may have with your hosting company. I am guessing that most other providers of Bluehost's size, are doing the same.

Again, I am extremely excited for PHP7 and really looking forward to having it available to me and every other website I manage and also browse to, but there is no way in hell that I would want it automatically pushed on my server. Especially since the two (60%) of the main softwares I depend on(Codex Gallery 2.3, and ReviewPost 5.2) are at END OF LIFE several years ago. So any showstopping bugs that come up in those 3rd party softwares, will need to be corrected by me. and me alone.

As mentioned above by James, UBBT is planned to be tested on PHP7 at some point soon, and the results will be posted and shared with everyone here.

If your webhost does make PHP7 available to you right now, and you run your main website using it today, please please please post a reply and share your findings with everyone else here. That would be extremely helpful. At this time, there are just a small handful of people working on UBBT760, and most of the final major stuff has been on my plate for the past three months. Probably the most busiest months I've had in a while.

Current developer of UBB.threads PHP Forum Software
Current Release: UBBT 7.7.5 // Preview: UBBT 8.0.0
isaac @ id242.com // my forum @ CelicaHobby.com