Hi, below is what one of our forum users wrote. Any comments or suggestions from you skilled people on this forum?
our Forum Software 7.5.9 and site is

Hi Morgan,

The browser I use most of the time is Microsoft's Internet Explorer 11, and over the years I have built up a vast "favourites" data structure covering my work and my hobbies, for most of which is probably classic British motorcycles!

If I logon to Britbike using IE11 I get told that I've logged on okay, but when I moved to another page it is evident that your site no longer thinks that I'm logged on and I can't do things like participate in the forums. I have confirmed time and again that this happens. The only way I can actively use your site is to use a different browser, my favourite alternative is Google Chrome. This works fine but its handling of bookmarks/favourites is so poor if your data structure is of any size that it is not viable for me to move to use Chrome for everything. This means that if I want to save a bookmark/favourite then I have to cut-and-paste the text of the URL back into IE 11 from where I can save it. This is a real pain.

Are you aware of this issue with IE 11? Is there a fix that you or I could make? Something you could point me to? I know that IE 11's compliance with web standards is nothing like as high as Chrome’s, and that it probably never will be, but I would value hearing from you about this.

Kind regards,

Jon Duke (display name:JonnyD)

Morgan Johansson
BritBike Forum