When I'm at your site with an ad blocker, your site loads very quick. But as soon as I view it with all the ads you've got turned on, especially the Shareaholic (which is proven to slow sites to a crawl), your site takes a while to navigate through pages. I'm on an intel i7-4790 CPU @ 4GHz w/32GB of DDR3-1866 RAM, and still get slowed down -- no mater how fresh my OS install is, or which browser I am running.

Turning OFF Shareaholic will instantly improve page-load times.

The rest of your ads all seem to be static images or straight-forward animated gifs. While those increase the size of your page and the time is required to download each page, they are not flash/script-based. This is good laugh Thought, you do have at least 11 ads running on each and every page.

If disabling Shareaholic is not something you want to do, you could optimize it. Have a quick read through these two links

Both found through doing a Google search for "shareaholic slow"

Last edited by isaac; 03/25/2017 9:27 PM. Reason: added Shareaholic optimize / links

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