I done a quick Google its not that difficult to do.
As you say Gizmo, back up and test it first, which I will do.

What's strange with my site map it indexed 18,000 and over a week has dropped to 9,000 out of 65,000 submitted.

Previously with site maps it was indexed with in 3 - 4 days, from my old images I kept as a reminder.

It could also be goggles algorithm again.
In January site index dropped to 0 which I never picked up on, I think it was that, and no site map was listed, hence re-submitting it again. So check webmaster tools just incase Google has killed of any site maps.

Im sure it will come together.

Avatars, i had about 100 users were using from our uploads, so i manually updated those to https lol.

For now, I think I only have the posts table to search and replace, avatars has been done.

Would you recommend updating all urls in topics to https,even if an external site is not https at this time. Or just internal site links, as they should also have redirects in place.

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo