Isaac, the pond is no big deal at all, It's like flying to your eastcoast just that they go north over the pole and you land here a few hours later and I'm 20min from the airport, you get to chose from 4 different bikes from 1955-70. Free beer included or coffe for that matter.. wink
Remember rear brake pedal is on the left side on those bikes and gear shift on the right side..
I now have such offer for the Australian eastcoast Sydney/Melbourne in Nov 2018 (int BSA rally).. not decided yet but we may go. We did it in 2014 to San Fransisco.

About customize the islands thats no problem except for the mysql queries bit don't like it when not understanding it. Don't like if it can corrupt the forum with no support.
Ride safe

Morgan Johansson
BritBike Forum