Is there away to track or find your Posts/Replies that you have uploaded Attachments to?
Like "Your Posts" page, but a page that shows all a users uploaded attachments with file names.

The reason I ask is because once you upload an attachment you can link to that attachments in another post rather than uploading the same file again. Which saves server space.

I know there is the paper clip icon that shows an attachment was uploaded to a post but that only applies to the first post in the thread. Also the paper clip icon applies to every user and appears only on each forum thread list page.

Maybe there is away to do a search under your user name that pulls up just your attachments.
Is that possible?

It would be a great feature to have a "Uploaded attachments insert link" button in the full editor.
When you click the button a drop down list of the user's uploaded attachments would appear.
You then click on the file name you want, type in title, click to insert into your message.


Truth Seeker