Not an important question but I'm curious..

I see some has members here on UBBcentral has a "UBB 10 years" [Linked Image] image/button or "UBB 15 years" [Linked Image]
in their profile, How does that work?

I bought my UBB license in 2001 and started to post here but that was as "anonymous" I probably did not register as member.
I see then posts with my name in 2006 as "Morgan" so I must be at least over the 10 year mark.

I would be interested knowing how to add a year image to the profile, also how I could implement this within my own BritBike forum.
Our members started as early as 1996 but it reads 2001 as they moved onto the new UBB forum.

Please advice

Last edited by Morgan; 10/22/2018 9:36 AM.

Morgan Johansson
BritBike Forum