Okay ,
I have never had s lot of issues with exporting via phpmyadmin except for sizes in the close to or exceed gb range.
But you may need to export again for a test.
But import yes

UBB only supports up to mysql 5.5+


PHP 5.4 - 5.6
MySQL 5.5+ or MariaDB

Meaning mysql 5.6 has not been tested.
You may need to downgrade your test server.

I assume you are using it on a local machine. We don't have enough info.
xamp,wamp or what.

You did create the database first correct? the file will only import to a existing database.
It will not create the database. Nor the user and password.
Plus when creating the database choose the same coalition.

Blue Man Group
There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers