Providing the ability to display a per-post image would make the system amazingly-powerful. This one feature could make the system a practical replacement for blog software.

We envision the thread listing for a board having an optional image displayed which would be uploaded by the user. This image would characterize the post/article, just as Wordpress does.

If this feature could be turned on-off per board, then associates could participate in specific "blog-boards" by contributing stories and present them in a blog-like fashion.

I believe this would be a very powerful feature that, once people had access to it, they would realize how powerful it would be in expanding the end-user audience for the software as a whole.

I have a whole slew of people that would jump on board and begin contributing stories for our site if we could provide this type of feature.

Thanks again for the consideration.

Last edited by mmem700; 02/03/2019 11:24 PM.

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