OK, thanks for the info.

I normally clear the cache using F12 (go into the "inspect" panel") and then click-and-hold the "refresh" button. This brings up a selection "empty cache and hard reload". This always works well for me to clear the cache.

But that aside... You're right. I viewed the same page in Firefox (I usually use Google) and what-do-ya-know; the user info is on top. Of course I'm not logged in on Firefox.

So... I cleared cache for both browsers (just to be safe) and logged back in and then first checked my personal settings. and sure enough, it was set to "User Info on Side":

[Linked Image from orbisvitae.com]

So... I selected "User Info on Top", clicked "Save Changes", and got this message:

[Linked Image from orbisvitae.com]


OK. So I went back to Preferences and checked and the "Maximum number of Posts (and Threads) to show per page" is set to "Use Forum Default" (for both):

[Linked Image from orbisvitae.com]

So unfortunately, when I go back to my preferences pages, the "Post Layout" is still set to "User Info on Side" (which is expected considering the error message).

So, I'm unable to make changes on my personal "Preferences" page and am getting an error instead.

Would it be safe to say this is a bug (not being able to save preferences)?

If so, would this suffice as s bug report? If not, I'l be happy to file a report in the proper forum.

OK, so then I expired all my cookies, logged back in, and the user info is still at the side. But this expected because my preferences are still set to that.

What would you suggest about getting past this issue? ...or should I wait for a bug fix?

Last edited by mmem700; 03/18/2019 7:50 AM.

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Tomorrow they call you "ahead of your time".