Originally Posted by Jim0421
Is it possible to have two logins linked to the same licence. Jim created this account but I will probably do most of the server stuff. I have a UBB username but it's not linked to this user license.
You can post on the forums without needing to be on the license; the license system is tied to the owners email as they're responsible for payments.

We ask that, if having users who are not owners of your organization post here on these forums, that they have access to the system to perform maintenance tasks as these forums are user to user support within the UBB.threads community (and is not operated by the UBBCentral administration).

We have, in the past, had users from various communities showing up here and making requests on behalf of their community (which should really be done on their forums), who have no access to be able to perform the troubleshooting tasks we've had to devise to support their issues, thus wasting time of 3rd party developers that are here to help other community owners.

I am a Web Development Contractor, I do not work for UBBCentral. I have provided free User to User Support since the beginning of these support forums.
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