Okay isaac

This is my findings.
At first reading I felt this was not the case because I have never entered a value for the hop to popup menu width.
Well I revisited the setting.
Selected the field and found the cursor not completely left justified.
So a non visible character was inserted in the field.
Once I deleted the entry in the field and saved it .
The hop to menu re-appeared in the bottom

In fact I had two sites with the same issue.
In which I never added a value to that field in either site So I assumed it was changed in the 7.7.4 release.
Because it was there prior to the upgrade to 7.7.4

I am not sure what character was inserted because it was not visible and now deleted.
Nor do I know how it got inserted to begin with.

But it does work correctly as designed now once it was deleted on both sites.

Blue Man Group
There is no such thing as stupid questions. Just stupid answers