I tried Gizmos suggestion but the styling is incorrect.
It hides the wrapped txt from display , it does not expand that cell.

It should have been like:

But then the cell still does not expand , the last character is against or under the mood /online image with no padding.
I think it is because of the OP image that comes from fontawsome?

I did not want to change the default font so:
I ended up editing the display name from lightninghorse to lightning horse.
Now at least the wrap point makes the name readable.
And yes member notified.

So with the default character font size it appears to be 11 characters when word wrap comes in play and they are the op.
If they are not the op then they have a couple more spaces available in the name without wordwrap doing it's thing

Unless you have a group image that is wider than the default. Then it will expand in the author area.
Which will align all the other items in the author area without word wrap.

Blue Man Group
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