You should create different posts for different items; it makes it easier to find and keep things on track in the future.

Big Limits was introduced in v7.7.5 and allows pre-PHP7 installs to process larger chunk values for MySQL Limits in the rebuilder tools.

The setting, when shown (only PHP5 users will see this setting, as PHP7 already uses the larger chunk sizes) will be called "Force the use of larger MySQL data chunks in legacy environments (older PHP versions) when pruning or rebuilding content."

When you update your configuration it will populate a new key to your config file; there is no need to remove it as blank and 0 mean the same thing.

PHP7+/Big Limits:
	$limits = array(
		"posts" => 2000,
		"posts_utf8" => 2000,
		"forums" => 200,
		"prunepostorphans" => 100,
		"pruneptorphans" => 100,
		"signatures" => 2000,
		"topics" => 2000,
		"private_messages" => 2000,
		"postcounts" => 2000,
		"likecounts" => 2000,
		"prunedupelikes" => 1,
		"updatescheme" => 1,

	$limits = array(
		"posts" => 1000,
		"posts_utf8" => 1000,
		"forums" => 200,
		"prunepostorphans" => 100,
		"pruneptorphans" => 100,
		"signatures" => 1000,
		"topics" => 1000,
		"private_messages" => 1000,
		"postcounts" => 1000,
		"likecounts" => 1000,
		"prunedupelikes" => 1,
		"updatescheme" => 1,

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