
I have a gaming site, and my boards look blah compared to other gaming sites.
1. Can you drop an image as the background image on the portal and have UBB paint itself on top of that?
2. I have a nice banner image I would like to appear at the top of each page
2a. THe banner image is maybe too small? can you make it bigger/longer without destroying it too much?
2b. THis banner image has some url written on it, I think it needs the touch of an artist to put my new url on it (without looking edited.)

Maybe a tall order, but I'm willing to pay your consulting fee to make my site slick 'gaming site' quality.
My current site: game-master.net
background: game-master.net/images/Angel_Island.jpg
Banner: https://game-master.net/images/ai_sig.gif

Let me know if it's doable, will look good, and how much time you think you will need. (and if you have any other suggested edits for the site look-and-feel.
(yes, I know your hourly cost.)

Member since November 2004
Gold Member since Feb 2008