the path is the big issue I see that you are changing the domain URL
Carefully review and edit the includes/ file for all the paths relative and absolute to ensure they are correct, including the database info at the top of the file.
There are several lines through out the file.

You are also going to need to run some update queries to fix paths very similar to changing to https In fact you can use the guide here.

Instead of using the quick tool , expand it and use the actual query and retype the old and new domain.

You are moving the site not installing or upgrading so you do not use the install folder.

If you want to install a blank version first to test you need the virgin zip file for your version and it will contain the install.php to run.
But when you import the old database you need to overwrite the includes folder with your old files then you are back to editing your file.

Also since you are a old timer here you should already know you need to make plenty of backups of the database when making changes.

Last edited by Ruben; 11/24/2023 3:56 PM. Reason: Added comment

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