I must be stooooopid still cant get it to work !
Am I missing somthing ?

the directory has ISR_User Everyone and SYSTEM in the permissions tab all with FULL control !

here are my config files:
// Allow File Attachemnts. If you provide a path to a directory below
// then File Attachments will be allowed. If you leave it blank, then they
// will not. Make sure this directory is writeable by everyone
$config['files'] = "c:/sites/clint/turbosport/bbs/bbsupload";

// We also need the url to the files directory
$config['fileurl'] = "http://bbs.turbosport.co.uk/bbsupload";

// Do you want to only allow certain file types, or exclude certain file
// types? Only uncomment one of the following. Seperate your filetypes with
// a , // $config[excludefiles] = ".php,.asp,.js,.vbs,.sht,.htm";
$config[allowfiles] = ".txt,.php,.asp,.js,.vbs,.sht,.htm";
// Maximum filesize allowed
$config['filesize'] = "100000";

And the addpost.php

// ------------------------------------------------
// Doesn't support it, so we write our own function
// else {
// $filename = $userfile;
// if (!$tmp_file = get_cfg_var('upload_tmp_dir')) {
// $tmp_file = dirname(tempnam('', ''));
// }
// $tmp_file .= '/' . basename($filename);
// $validfile = (ereg_replace('/+', '/', $tmp_file) == $filename);
// if ($validfile) {
// $goodfile = "yes";
// }
// }

// if ($goodfile == "yes") {
$FileName = "$Mnumber-$userfile_name";
copy($userfile, "$config[files]/$FileName");

// ------------------------------------
// Update the post to set the file name
$Filename_q = addslashes($FileName);
$query = "
UPDATE w3t_Posts
SET B_File = '$Filename_q'
WHERE B_Number = '$Mnumber'
AND B_Board = '$Board_q'
$dbh -> do_query($query);
// }
