I've done a few of the &debug=1 -- how does one tell where the problem would be? Is it by the times indicated?

Also, someone indicated the following:

I'm thinking that they've changed how the tables on the list of active topics page are set up. Browser render time for tables does not increase linerarly as the complexity of the tables increases -- it's not as bad as exponentially, but it's definitely not linear (I know this from work I used to do on high-traffic/high-performance/high-availabilty web sites such as the long-gone Infoseek). I get everything in the head of the page up to the Christmas tree immediately, and then I have to wait another 10-30 seconds (at this point...6:30pm) while the rest of the table renders. All the images are cached locally, so it's not a matter of image download time in my case.


I also noticed, with Eve/the infopop forums, it has also been slower getting on the Infopop forums from the main page at www.infopop.com -- when I click on "COMMUNITY", it has been taking over 1 minute to load, and then from there it takes another minute or so to get into this area. I have to keep clicking on "Community" sometimes as it has timed out.

Also, in clicking on the specific topic on these forums, it loads, but has been a slower as well.

I use a fast pc, Internet Explorer 6.0, Windows XP, and on broadband connection.

Do you think it has anything also to do with caching?

I've turned on the debugging ... it indicates that "Zlib compression disabled" -- should this be enabled?

[This message was edited by Dance on December 11, 2003 at 09:08 AM.]