A lot of users complain about the "Invalid Form" message since the upgrade to 6.5.2b2. It happens only when writing longer posts. I don't know the exact time, but if you need 30 Minutes or more to complete your post, the form gets invalid. This is not user friendly any more. It's the complete opposite. I'm going to disable this form-check completely.

And no, I can not increase the php session, because I'm on a shared host. And I think I am not the only one not having a own server. For me it seems like the session info is lost after a time, or is there any time info stored into the form cheksum (I think no)?

PS: while writing this post here, I also got the "Invalid Form" message. But this time it was after 3-5 minutes. Or is the preview-bug unfixed here?

Last edited by Charles Capps; 08/16/2005 8:01 PM.
