Hi folks,

Now that 6.5.2 is coming out, this is a new, clean bugs forum for your enjoyment.

Anything posted in another forum and found to be a bug will be moved here.

If you think you've found a bug, create a new topic here. If it's found to be a bug, it will be marked [FILED] when I've filed an internal bug. When it's fixed, it will be marked [FIXED] and will be closed with a new post indicating when the fix will land.

If a bug isn't a bug, it will be marked [NOTABUG] and closed.

The old bug forums are not coming back, so if you have some old URLs to posts that were there and contained valuable information, let me know so I can retrieve the posts on an individual basis.

Note that this forum will be heavily moderated. Uncivil and off-topic posts are subject to deletion.

Charles Capps
Former UBB.classic Maintainer