Hello I am looking for help. If you have time to follow along with what I have wrote below, you may just be able to help me if you are good with the prog and html.

Here it is.

My Url to the forums is this.

If you wouldn't mind taking a look at my forums in 2 different resolutions. First 800 by 600 and the second at 1024 by 768. If you do, you will notice that the forums on the main page are centered and at a fixed size, black background, and the white page centered just as I wanted. Now if you click on the other links such as register, search, etc... You will notice that the forums have a table color of black at certain places that directly correlate with what you set the background color to. This does not make sense. The main forum page is working correctly but the other pages do not with the header/footer coding that I am using.

I have 2 different templates other than that of default. They are named GimmeTech and GimmeTech II. Both are set exactly the same for the time being until I can figure out the probs.

I need all of my pages being just the same as my main forums page and cannot for the life of me figure out where the problem is. I was trying to use the added html and body functions but it included the info <inside> the tags. Thought it was a bug and was told that it was supposed to work that way. The header and footer coding is clean and displays right on the main page. You can see it work on my main forums page as you change the resolution. But the other pages as search, etc.... leave the black background for certain <TR> in the middle of what should be a white page.

If the added html and body tag entry boxes are not where I am supposed to fix this situation, I wish someone would look at my forums and tell me where to fix the situation with the UBB software.

I am in need of help. Most of what I wrote here will not make sense unless you look at my site in different resolutions. I wrote my html to do this for my whole site and I'm trying to get my forums to do the same.

Help with this is
Much Appreciated.


( Hardware not software, unfortunately some of us have to try to do it all. )


I think I found part of the problem. The Public_Forum page uses AltColumnColor1 and AltColumnColor2 for the tags. Looks like this...

<TR bgcolor="$vars_style{AltColumnColor1}">

The other .pl's like Public_Display_Profile are using the color for the background or black. Looks like this...

<tr bgcolor="$vars_style{BGColor}">

So here is the problem as far as I can see. I cannot have my background color or #000000 for the table colors.

I need to tell all the other files to use a different color in the <TR> tags.

How in the world am I going to do this without Hard Coding every template??

Help Needed.