In ubb_lib_time.cgi, there is a section that says this:

#date format options
if ($vars_time{DateFormat} eq "US") {
$FormattedDate = $_[0];
} elsif ($vars_time{DateFormat} eq "Euro") {
$FormattedDate = "$mday.$mon.$year";
} elsif ($vars_time{DateFormat} eq "USX") {
$FormattedDate = "$months[$mon] $mday, $year";
} else {
$FormattedDate = "$mday. $months[$mon] $year";
return ($FormattedDate);

I just changed $mday. to $mday in that last one, and voila. I guess you could say I've hacked your board, but for one character, I hardly feel like a naughty person. <img src="" alt="" />

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