
I run a UBB v.6.2.1 which serves a 'support group'.

The UBB is not open to public access, so I actually allocate usernames according to members of the support group and assign passwords for access.

I was adding a new members today, and after adding their username (their forename and surname) I set up their password. Unfortunately, I made a mistake in the password so I went to the 'Members > Retrive Members' option and deleted the member entry altogether to start over.

Now, when I try to add the member with the same username (their forename and surname) but with the correct password I get this message:

"Sorry, you may not use a name that someone has previously registered or reserved. Please select another name."

This is despite the fact I have removed them completely from the UBB using the Admin screens.

I cannot use 'another name' as this person must enter under their correct forename and surname.

Could somebody please tell me how I may use their username details and assign another password to them?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.