Originally posted by CAO Admin:
[qb] I just turned the Accel. on. We'll see what happens. Checked page views again. This is from the control panel. Now it reads:

Pageviews (10/2004): 79

Could there be something else going on messning up the UBB?

Onour Web host, our daily ave. for page views is: 4665 this month, and 75% or more of our site traffic is the UBB boards. [/qb]
Your board seems to work real fast for me.. I just viewed and well its fast.. However, even with UBB Acclerator I notiece that mine is a bit slow only when clicking on the board title link at the top of the forum tables. My site message board opens up inside of a frameset html ( frame 1="menu and frame 2 ="main"

I find that is very useful as all pages on my site seem to open up faster inside the frame. This is because of the html properties of an index.htm file for homepage containing a frameset html generated codes body tags and menu tags. The target of each page in my UBB board is targeting the frame set.

Thats not what your problem is though.. My next question for you that I think others here who want to help you with this is: how often do you do your UBB matience cycle? Remember, you must clear cached pages once and while. Most importantly the UBB feature in the UBB cpanel homepage that is a fast link to "close board" is there for a reason. Conversly the defult message wordlet that notifies members and guest that your UBB is temporarly closed for routine mantience. It would appear at the number of members and high amount of post you have you do have a "Performance hit" problem!