About an hour ago my site started listing all users as unregistered and their sig files were not showing. The users names are still "saved" somewhere so when they post they dont have to type in their name (same as when they are logged in). When I post it shows the LOG OUT option and the board remembers who I am but my post displays with no avatar or sig file and I am listed as unregistered.

I can no longer access the control panel because none of the users are listed: No record for that login name was found. I cant get in through any admin user names at all

My members folder on the site still has all the member cgi files listed.

Without admin access to the control panel I am totally at a loss. Nothing was done to the board for the past few weeks.

added: I just browsed my files and compared some to a backup I have. I notice that my MEMBERSLIST.cgi file is empty now but my backup was loaded with names. Can this be the only error? Just upload the backup?