
We are www.tombraiderforums.com

We paid £199 for UBB Classic, which we run on a dedicated server. We have 15,000 members and half a million posts and are a very busy community with more than 200 folk online at any one time.

We have noticed that our forum grinds to a halt during peak times. We have followed the advice of InfoPOP by enabling acceleration (which didn't help) disabling Recent Visitors (which marginally helped) but our forum still becomes almost non-responsive (5 minutes to process a reply!) during peak times.

The only resolution InfoPOP have come up with is to delete old members and delete old threads. Why should we have to remove our content and disable member accounts in order for InfoPOP's software to function adequately?

In my experience, UBB Classic, while excellent software for smaller community-based web sites, is NOT a durable solution for a large scale community. I am extremely disappointed with by InfoPOP experience, having used their products for almost 5 years. Growth, it seems, does not favour InfoPOP.

A most disappointed customer.

The Largest Online Chevrolet Community in the World.