UBB version 6.3.0 beta release 1 has been released to the Member Area
UBBâ„¢ 6.3.0 beta release 1 is a test version that adds many new features, including:
- user avatars
- Updated the search feature to use less memory and search more accurately
- Added the ability for Admins to filter words from being searched for. This helps tailor the search for your site
- Added the ability to turn off the display the home page link, as well as the contact us link.
- Updated the mail library for increased error checking and return of error warnings.
- Added custom Member Title Levels
- Added the ability to create and use custom HTML and style templates.
- Added ability to export style sets to exchange with other UBB admins
- Added the ability to match a forum's transition templates to the forum.
In the Member Area you will find many download options to fit your needs including:
Full download including everything. All of the avatars and all of the new template sets.
Full download with only 12 avatars and no new template sets (smaller download).
Upgrade download including everything. All of the avatars and all of the new template sets.
Upgrade download with only 12 avatars and no new template sets (smaller download).
The optional avatar packs and template sets can be downloaded separately in case you want to download just the UBB now and install the add-ons later.
Thank you to JC at
UBBDesign for creating the new html and style templates as well as one of the avatar packs.
Upgrade instructions, installation instructions, and other documentation can be downloaded at
http://www.infopop.com/support/ubb/beta.html . We will be providing documentation for creating your own template and style sets later on in the beta period. At this time we would like everyone to use the addtional sets we have provided.
Honor The Victims