She means over links and icons on the web site. And it doesn't have support for it because that stuff isn't dictated to NS6 by XUL. I even tried using OverLib JavaScript to make my own customized tooltips (sometimes I need longer tooltips, like in my help files and I use them to define words) and that doesn't work in NS6 when it does in IE and NS4.
NS6 the superior browser....when you don't include NS4 and IE in the equation.
lol.. that's a first for me.. I've never heard anybody say JavaScript is more advanced in IE..
How can it be more advanced in IE? Netscape invented the language.. The only reason I can think that IE might be ahead, is because their browser is also a complete generation ahead. Netscapes latest version (to compete with IE 5.5) is Mozilla, and that isn't out yet (it takes time to re-write a browser from scratch with limited resources) but I bet Mozilla's JavaScript support is up there with IE 5.5's.
Compare JavaScript in IE 4.2 to NS 4.7. That is fair.. I seriously doubt IE 4.2 has better JavaScript support than NS 4.7.
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Again you're comparing NS4.7 with IE4.2 which isn't fair. NS4.7 came out when IE5 was out. If you compare JS support between NS4.0 and NS4.7 you'll see a huge difference. First off the version of the language implemented. NS4.0 only did a scaled down version of 1.2 by 4.7 it's fully supported. IE runs 1.3 but NS6 runs 1.5 (1.4 doesn't exist it's like where is NS5) There are tons and tons of scripts that run in NS4 and IE but not in NS6. Why? Cause JavaScript support in Mozilla/NS6 is really not all there......yet.
Because.. If this feature was used in that respect (somebody makes last min change before their 1 week vacation) then that is understandable..
It's the thousands of developers who just plain don't care.. They don't test their code on other browsers, if it works on IE then it's fine.. Wrong!! It's not really a good thing to support bad coding practices..
What if gcc and msvc++ both compiled broken code.. ugh.. talk about a nightmare!!! they are very very picky, and for a good reason! (well other than the fact that C++ is a bit more complex than HTML, but you get my point)
It bothers me when some body (nobody here) tell's me that he hates all browsers except IE because IE is the only thing that will render his crapy webpage.. uhh.. yeah.. those people just need to get a clue. =)
All of the reasons that people on this board gave me for liking IE are legit and I agree with them for the most part, but it's the people who love IE because it fixes their crapy HTML code (the same code the probably wrote using front page).. I *HATE* that.
The one thing I still don't like about IE? It only runs on two OS's!!! (if you count any MS os as 1 os anyway)...... Mozilla? It runs on anything and everything just about.. Any flavor of unix, mac, windows, etc..
When I go home to use Linux (which I do) I have Mozilla sitting right there for me to use.. But no IE!!
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Does anyone have a Microsoft Mouse with a scroll wheel. (I have the Microsoft Intellipoint with Intellieye mouse can't buy em anywhere anymore, not even on the MS site cause MS discontinued them cause of "lack of profits". But from what I saw I could never seem to buy them ANYWHERE cause they were always sold out cause I wanted another one for my other machine. I think MS didn't complete that phrase.... "lack of profits for the Explorer mouse which is just a useless piece of $70 plastic.) Ok off that rant.... on to the one that this post was suppose to be about... Anyway, if you try and scroll the wheel sometimes in NS while it's rendering/downloading the HTML you can screw up the whole rendering of the site. It's really werid. Happens to me a bunch on all sorts of sites. Including Netscape's own. Refresh the page and don't touch the mouse and the page works fine. This problem doesn't happen in IE.
Yes, when I boot to windows at home I use my microsoft explorer mouse.. It's a great product (probably made by an outside company for Microsoft, then paid to put Microsofts name on it.. Microsoft hardly ever invents something good, they always buy it and then make it better)..
I didn't think they stopped selling them.. My cousine got one just a few weeks ago.. If you can't find one just let me know and I will see if I can find one for you.
I've never had a problem with Netscape and the wheel.. in fact.. I have more problems with IE and the wheel.. my computer nearly freezes every time I use it (but that is my slow P266 at home, works fine here at work on both browsers)....
I think that is one of those bugs that only happens on some random computers or something.. probably caused by Windows, not netscape.. I notice that Windows causes a bunch of weird stuff to happen, but it is never the same on anybody's computer it seems.. I don't know why..
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Use Mozilla, not NS6. if the last NS6 you used was PR1 or PR2 then you got the worst of the worst.. those were packaged horribly.. PR3 is OK, but the Mozilla nightly builds are still way ahead.
I have no clue what you are talking about as far as CSS support goes.. Some of their test pages use a LOT of CSS and it works fine!! CSS isn't 100% complete, but the support for it is there and it renders MOST pages fairly well already.
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Like I said in another of my posts. I have used PR1, PR2 and I have PR3 but I don't use it. I use a nightly build that I download almost every other night usually after midnight.
I'm sitting here in netscape, mozilla and IE5.5 scrolling on each window as fast as I can (win2k box) and I have no problems at all..... I know for a fact the scroll works fine on NS when I use it at home in win98... I am a crazy scrolling fool so I know it works lol..
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Dude, go get the latest nightly and come visit this forum..
It might not render the tables 100% perfect yet, but all of the mouse over [censored] that was wirtten for IE, works fine.. all of it..
If you are talking about crazy CSS/JavaScript that causes images to fly every where and interact with your mouse blah blah blah.. then no.. maybe it doesn't work 100% yet.. But it's pretty friggen close.. it's getting there.
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Dude I'm looking at it RIGHT now............ -All- of the mouse over junk that works in IE is working fine!! I am seeing a few problems with tables and that is it.. everything else is great.. it looks like I'm friggen using IE.. and this is build # 2000101908 (2000-10-19--08)which means me and you are probably using the same build.
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
The mouse over stuff that was written for IE??? I believe it's pretty much a standard (if not said by W3C) that in img tags the alt text should be used as a tooltip pop up. I quickly checked when Eileen asked I quickly checked and now I rechecked on these boards and mine is not doing that. Also when I go on these boards the Reply, Index, etc images on the top right of a post hang off to the right of the screen. Now I know my screen size is not small too small to display the whole with cause IE does and plus I'm using 1024x768
And the Win98 machine is a friend of mine's. I dunno what he has. All I know is he can render 50 FPS in Unreal Tournament. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
No no.. Netscape DID have a Netscape 5, it was source code and eventually got pulled.... Also calling it Netscape 6 is a marketing thing.. IE 6 will be out when NS 6 is, and they will both be compareable browsers.. Microsoft loves to jump versions also (or atleast give things new versions that don't deserve a new version!!!)
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
I didn't mean the code was IE specific, I mean the purpose of him putting it in there is for the IE users... It even use to say that in the config file when you setup hover links and what not.. "For IE!"
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Drag your mouse over the links.. Put your mouse over Scream's name.... It all highlights just like it does in IE, but not in NS4.. Everything seems to work for me in Mozilla just like it does in IE.. I can see no differences.
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Alright maybe there was a Netscape 5 (which I've heard stuff like that before) but I'm going to show you two things. I'll be using Mozilla Build 2000101908 as my example and IE 5.50.4134.0600 as my example.
Here's is the line of code I am using...
Your browser is: <pre><script> document.write(navigator.appName + " "); document.write(navigator.appVersion); </script></pre>
And IE output is... Your browser is: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; DigExt)
And Mozilla output is.... Your browser is: Netscape 5.0 (Windows; en-US)
So granted. MS is retarded with making IE say 4.0 but AOL/Netscape are no better by making it say Netscape 5.0
I'm looking for stuff in IE but I have no clue what you are talking about... The only differences I see are mainly tool tips, messed up tables and that's really about it.
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Regardless of which browser is better, or which is going to be better..
A good develop will take all of that in to account and try to write the site as best he can, so that anybody can still view it.
I hardly ever find my self surfing the web anymore.. Why? Very few sites have the content I want, the frills are nice, but when it comes down to it.. I want to read something worth while.. Screw the cool stuff!! It's fun to write, and fun to look at the first time you do it, after that it's just old and annoying.. even these hover links.. I don't really care for them.. They are nice, but only because they aren't really all that "hardcore" of a feature.. it's nice and subtle(sp?) like links w/o underlines.. I can live with that..... When you get into hardcore CSS it starts to get annoying (and slow)..
Mozilla's site might be plain and boring, but atleast I can download the nightly build OR the latest milestone with 1 click, no searching.. it's right there...... if I want to read some info? it's right there........
Look at this forum... It's nice layout.. easy on the eyes.. but honestly.. there isn't a LOT to the layout.. it's not all that complex, not a lot of images or frames or what not.. just some nice tables and a LOT of content.... I love it!! I can spend my time on this forum and NOT get annoyed like I do when I surf Microsoft's crapy webpage...
If all we had was plain HTML 3.0, light JavaScript and server side programing.. I would be completely 100% happy.. because everything else is nice, but it's not something I consider required in order to injoy the web.. It's just stuff that is fun to write and play with..
If I am trying to buy something online and the page is written to be browser specific.. forget it.. I won't buy from them.. It's just plain annoying.. It's not needed.. AT all.. period.. (for a shopping site)......... if it's somebodies personal site I might switch browsers to check it out, but that is all.. it's not like I will spend hours on that persons site because it is so great..
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
You're going to have to face the reality that we have HTML 4.0 and/or XHTML 1.0 , JavaScript, VBScript, Server Side, Cookies, Flash, Shockwave, and CSS and just learn to ignore it and deal with it.
And if I like those so what? I like em. And if my personal perference is IE cause it loads faster cause it's already 80% loaded in the kernel so what? If I like it cause of COM and ActiveX so what? The fact is I like IE and I think it's superior and really not much is gonna sway my opinion at this point. I used to be like Eileen called it "hardcore" Netscape fan, getting every beta and every copy. But now days you can keep your Netscape and Mozilla and give me IE.
lol no you didn't even hit the tip of the ice berg as far as languages go.... There is a lot more than that and half of them are worthless <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
If used correctly, CSS and JavaScript can both be very awesome.. The problem is.. I haven't seen too many people use them correctly.... People seem to think JavaScript can be used to make sure people fill out correct data in forms.. Does this mean you can avoid doing it on the server side also? hell no.. that is huge security risk if you only check on client side.. and stupid too!!
I think it's funny when I see a webpage that has like 4 pages of JavaScript and you just sit there and wonder what the hell this person is trying do?! I mean it's great to use for small things, or little error checking.. adding up prices in a form etc.. opening up popup windows (for help, or to view an image or something legit, not banner ads)..
CSS? I've sene it used in some cool ways.. All of the small stuff that the user doesn't really see, but it makes the developers life a lot easier.. that is way cool.. but when it starts getting complex for almost no reason? jesus...
My friend had a webpage that had tables you could drag around on the website like a window.. that way you could put your content where you want it.. cool idea.. but it was slow.. and it was only cool for the first few times I went to the site.. after that it was just annoying.. waiting for it all to load, and doesn't work on anything but IE.. sheesh.. for what? I mean you don't even use it!!!
Also.. Have you looked at some of the specs for HTML 4.0? Some are worth while, but then you have stuff like.. replacements for I, B, and U tags?!?!?!?! WHY?!?! Why make them more complex?? Why have a STRONG tag replace B? I mean .. which is easier to type? which is easier to remember? which one keeps the doc. smaller? B!!!!! duh?! who the hell came up with all of these anyway? I would like to kick them in the butt.. They break the first rule of programming.. keep it simple, stupid.
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
I'm not trying to change anybody's opinions here.. heh.. I use Netscape and unfortuantly IE on a daily basis......... almost 100% of the sites I view work perfectly fine in Netscape and load just as quick as they do in IE........
One of my beef's with IE is that in order for it to be as fast as possible, you have to have active desktop on........ what happens when you do that? well... if IE crashes, your whole computer crashes and usually you have to reboot!!!!! with out active desktop on.. just ie crashes, not everything else.. ------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
FreeBSD? OpenBSD? Any unix worth using? I bet it isn't half as fast on Unix as it is on Windows lol.. It's main advantage as far as speed goes, is the fact that it is pretty much a part of your OS.. With out it, newer versions of WIndows won't even work I bet!!!
------------------------------------------------ Jeremy 'PeelBoy' Amberg
Solaris and hp-UX, actually....Solaris is nice. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> And we all know Linux isn't worth using at all.... *Trying to make this the longest thread of all time*
I know I didn't hit the tip of the iceburg there. I just named a couple.
Also I agree with you B and STRONG is stupid but it's targeted for those who can't remember that B stands for BOLD but it's besides the point that STRONG should have really called BOLD if we were to argee having it. I guess it's targeted for the newbies. Who knows.
As far as error checking, I combine my error checking client side and server side. Any security stuff would be server side but it's nice to remind the user that they forgot to fill out a required field without them having to submit the form and get it back.