Grrrrr you mean it's not moderated? Here I was installing the SQL add-on modules
Here's how I think it should be organized, ideally. You would create the concept of "User Classes", and allow the administrator to assign the capabilities of each class. Guests get assigned "User Class 1", Registered users get assigned "User Class 2", and the admin would have to upgrade/downgrade users to other classes. Each "User Class" would be assigned a configurable set of capabilities. For example:
Read (Y)
Post (N)
Approve (N)
Open/Close Threads (N)
Approve Messages (in moderated boards/threads/users, ie where posts require approval) (N)
Prune (N)
Delete their own messages (N)
Delete other people's messages (N)
Mark Users or Threads as moderated (ie the posts require approval) (N)
Other classes of users would be entitled Registered Users, Supervisors, Moderators, Administrators , and there would be a spare class for funky setups.