Marky, some people are going to want to see which bots are raiding their forums massivly (like Yahoo, stealing your bandwidth 70+ bots at a time); but I do agree that some things I'd just want to see hwo many bots are trolling about.
In classic when i had the online list at the bottom it was a great way so getting members to scroll down and at the least seeing that there were more forums.
I still try to do similar as in a Good forum low down.
I dont know if i miss it at the bottom now whos online. But member and such like to see which fellow members are online. It human nature lol
It would be nice to have either ot as i do like the new WOL if they could only get it right lol
BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1 People who inspire me IsaacME Gizmo
This is something like i would like to see for Who's On Line.
Ive duplicated the top row to show 2 deep of user names. But this can be more or less due to your settings.
It shows the running totals. And the "Staff" are hyper links to listing those of that status.
Ive added the word "Details" back to what is is now in 7.2 as the link in the title of the box just don't work for me, i don't like it like that basically.
I'm not convinced the word Key : needs to be there? as it wont take a brain surgeon to work out what they are there for, in there colours.
Anyway this is a photchop i done to show my thoughts about a whos on line island.
Theres always room for improvment
BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1 People who inspire me IsaacME Gizmo