Originally Posted by My Members say
I know ive said this before on a couple of occasions, and I know a lot of members will agree with me, especially those that use practically any other type of forum software, but is there any chance that UBB are gonna pull their fingers out of their arses and create a search facility that acutally works?

I type something in to the search facility anywhere else, and straight away, only relevant search results are displayed. I type a search term in here, and it throws up just about every thread, except the info you actually want; and with it being limited to only 8 pages, it makes it even more useless.

I dont want to have to set every single variable using the advanced search and to be honest, I dont know every single variable to do it anyway (how many people actually know what date period something was posted if it was longer than a few weeks back).

Come on, others have managed a simple but effective search tool without any hassle, even the freebie software pi$$es all over UBB for search facilities, get nagging them and make them earn you're cash for a change Mark, I know they are launching blogs systems and all the rest of it soon, but wouldn't it just be better for them to get the basics right before moving onto other things, making sure they can walk before they start trying to run for insance!!


Has it improved in 7.3?
The comments are in reference to 7.2 and the Search island.

(Well it is feedback) wink

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo