When I upgraded my test install to Beta 2, I re-imported everything from Threads 6 on a localhost server, then just dumped out the database and uploaded that to my live server. I noticed that the "Newest Members" box still showed the data from the previous import, so I cleared the cache.
Now I get Smarty errors right above every content island... "Notice: Smarty error: unable to write to $compile_dir '/home/se7enet/public_html/se7enet/forumsbeta/templates/compile'. Be sure $compile_dir is writable by the web server user. in /home/se7enet/public_html/se7enet/forumsbeta/libs/smarty/Smarty.class.php on line 1088"
I've made sure that the /templates/compile folder is CHMOD'd to 777, and when I do the Permission Check in the control panel everything passes alright. And it can write some of the cached templates to that folder - footer, cfm, getshouts, right_column, and a few others were successfully created after I manually deleted all the previous files in the folder. But it doesn't seem to like any of the content island ones.
My test install is at
http://se7enet.com/forumsbeta if you wanna see for yourself. Anyone else had this problem and could maybe shed some light on how to fix it?