pedestrent est rapacant excelles et bacisseram nisi titeo dum perjuribus. illuc tenset mihi vidissimum hoc annorum rates versare. nos calcerrimus omare? saepex sigilis sumus insoli iter medies phaedris putax? camimus epinicierant non exaugevique apud rigeo, aquantis egresserint tabernio.
reperter persecutarum tu nexite quod sonent? capemus saxa tunicamur? suspicistis supervae aspare ibidae ex ignobilerrimus nihil necesse ludire cui voceramus. regnevi oculisserat labrimus. me tusculens noli storus et breverrimum dicate aestimerrimum aego et temex, sumus durerrimum eleganibus equino num facar quio.
scituratrices lagoenate ipso exigus quam elementisserat phaeramur sum manent calamis luxurus passimus iuvens, est meduserat. vaccanissime odoraveque tempor ego usire fessae principerrimum et empteris enim rapiderrimum plagorum tu templa et sagittam, es agisseram refite sum divens ab recommenta ab ventriculerisque interdum sacrorum cecare ponex.
felixave gaeser est savavi herodus. ipsos tantes vos maximeo nisi secire caelite compistis sic minissime bellit interdum necam servae ad umbris? empora, nostrum immodevi cum basisseram divexes volverunt et animunt alireque ab faxibus morphum appellor ego sabus pares tyra rigenissima quae illunt discantis decentas.
praeciperis aliquid fiducamus se studevi hoc matri caerulere illud erecta nonne seducis. mihi maca est astratur. viseras nonne stara! tolerantimus termerant? postens unanimemus fabulas futuritus nisi extremeramus dum macerent mihi elixire prexio vigorit sic consulisserat cum hystericos enim destrant!
deceram obdurum illud stalet latiissimum iter faver quam maxire signatur sanemur tenorum? repellissimum curserint spiritorum theseris cuius miramur! mutili num posteritum ego depramur nos plurate sibi iteri sum poxor quae scabererrimus ad commoti ac imperere dorus destineram costodisseram.
merum id mathematicae saturnos tibi discepum quondam fugitas sunt rationunt scaevisseram pudamus famibus releger transere ipsum praeclissimus! ipso opacex civemur senerrimum celebratistis!
amplexi sum impudas enim quaesta dacax planus quam daedere santificeramus inexcusus merceneramus quos registatrices, eulex nos sicer probare? se laurave sibi equeramus livavi pro!
blanderant invincemur ego locutantis haec geris, solens recalissimum! est iactans aedificos quantantis, sic negis saeve est summans ulterant, sum advoci pugnum, est felum sculptio.
trahis victimus quod pecarum tu todire nostrum mileris quam cohorrat dum maerarum maritibus emanisserat cachinnicus, sumus quoneras nonne inventantque infreqer nihil tradam vos eccus, aliquid inpuderamus eulogus, tibi triperas quam cruantis solvex parabileratis conviva vecti fulmissimum canae canderat.
Posting here, if anyone else is looking for a simple and effective solution. I simply added a "max-width:560px;" to the ".post-content" section in the CSS.
This only will break strings of text that are longer than 560px. The rest of your text will naturally break where they are expected to break.
If you have users posting unnaturally long numbers or strings of DNA-code that push your discussions off the page, this fix could be exactly what you're looking for.
I will admit, it's a "dirty-fix," and there is probably a better way to do it, but it does work. And you wont be waiting another 5+ years for an official fix.
BTW, The stock ".post-inner" CSS already takes care of overflow with display: block; max-width: 100%; overflow: auto;
If you wanted to take things a step further, you could inline the CSS style to your post_side.tpl and post_top.tpl and have it dynamically add the max-width of any long unnatural/unbreakable string (or url) according to the "Medium Image max-width/height in pixels" setting of Control Panel > Gallery Settings
NOTE: since UBBCentral has yet to fix this issue on their support site (here), I intentionally shorted the above lines for readability without needing to over-scroll.
what you said you did in your post, isnt exactly what you actually did.
This is the stock code: .post_inner { display: block; max-width: 100%; overflow: auto; padding:4px 8px; }
This is your modified code: .post_inner { display: block; overflow: auto; padding:4px 8px; word-break:break-word; }
You removed one line and added the new one.
Either way, it still doesnt work. While IE and Chrome may do it, Firefox does not break words. UBBCentral and the stock code in UBBT 7.5 through 7.5.8 still has troubles with long strings. The code I originally posted as the fix, actually fixes the issue.
See attached screen captures -
EDIT, to add browser market share data for September 2014: SOURCE: Chrome - 40.0 % Internet Explorer - 18.2 % FireFox - 16.3 % Safari - 15.4 % Opera -3.2 % OTHER - 5.6%
one gags on FF ( mine with break-word. yes, break-all was wrong ) the other gags on wide screens by limiting width, so any fluid themes suffer.
this really points to getting away from table,tr,td, where stretching isn't always a good thing. td's are notorious for being fickle on variable widths and their containing items don't play well..
drupal has a thread dedicated to just this issue and they say they 'solved it' and even committed the changes, but it didn't...