We cannot provide support for sites not strictly using the stock code, and we only loosely do so at UBBDev, mod your forums at your own risk.
You should probably adjust titles through the script files (posts are served through /scripts/showflat.inc.php, thread index is served through /scripts/postlist.inc.php) versus the templates; a lot of thought went into max lengths of the title element through various search engines via what is served by default for SEO exposure.
BONUS Question:
I added
<meta name="description" content="' . $ogDescription . '" />
to html.inc.php in order to define a meta description. Is there a way to move that functionality to header.tpl instead?
Only the thread view pages generate the description tag, unless you define a description for the forum pages (each forum has its own set of headers in the manage forum pages) CP -> Content -> Forums -> Details -> Custom Inserts tab -> "Use a Unique Header/Footer for this forum"