I can't quite parse the group/user functionality.

If I want to make a private forum and form a corresponding group of users, how do I do it efficiently? I checked the process for adding one user to a group...8 actions. Kind of tedious to do that for a dozen people (or whatever).

I also found a "mass move", but that seems to remove people from one group in order to them put in another, and I don't think I want to move people from "users" when I put into a group for a private forum. Later - if another such forum starts - they would no longer be in users to be added to the group for the new private forum. (Furthermore, it isn't clear to me, from the permissions for forums, whether or not they would still be eligible for the PUBLIC forums!)

So is there any way to form a group efficiently for a private forum without removing them from the users group? (I assume one can be a member of more the one group!)

Thanks <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> Tony