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I've been trying to test what happens when you do or don't specify a password when registering and when you do or don't enter your email address correctly. But now I'm getting these VERY strange email messages to the specified email address, like:
"Someone from the ip address '\' registered the Login Name '\testy4'. The password for this Login Name is '\'"
<img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />
And it seems to take a long time to get this supposedly confirmatory message. Maybe that has something to do with my ISP, or maybe with when the message comes from the hosting service for "threads" (in this case Inpopop).
As for the strange "\"s etc, I should say that in doing this testing sometimes I would have more than one copy of my board open in browser windows when I was doing this testing, so that I would have been logged on as administrator, then gone to another window and logged off, then signed up a new user...thought this would be OK, because when I log off, that would log me off in both windows...right? (Even though the original window would still be showing on the screen as if I were logged on as administrator; if I updated the screen, it would show me logged off...)

Anyway...any thoughts would be welcome - Tony

Need to add that I tried my testboard, on the same site as my main board, and the email message to a new user is working properly. But my main board is still giving these email messages where there's a "\" in place of the IP address and in place of the password, as well as just before the Login Name.

Obviously something is screwed up badly.

By the way, when I did enter complete information at signup (i.e., including a password), that user is in the list of users, AND can login, and can post under that username (though it's an open forum where posting by unregistered users is allowed, too).

Somehow the email message to the new member's email address is not properly picking up the IP or login name.

Help? Thanks - Tony


Is the application still set to allow users to choose their own or has it been set back to a 'random' password?

If you clear out all your cookies and try again with a clean machine and a fresh registration each way that would be great.


Brett Harris
Infopop Corporation

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />
I was allowing users to choose their own password.

Anyway, I cleared MY cookies as that what you meant? Or did you mean clear out all the test cookies, too. (Actually, I also deleted the test users that had produced the strange messages yesterday, so presumably THEY wouldn't have any cookies associated any more.)

THEN I added 2 new users, one choosing a password, and one not. Is THAT what you meant?

Anyway, I got exactly the same kind of email confirmation message in each case, with the slashes, etc.

Back to square one...any suggestion for the next step? Thanks - Tony

PS Yesterday was also the first time that I had tried a new user after I set the program to site-wide cookies with the "/". (The \ in the emails is back, not forward.)

HELP...getting desperate!

Anyway, figured out, I think, that you meant to clear ALL cookies via my browser preferences, which I just did...then I tried to register 2 new users, one with and one without password specified. In each case, I still got a message like this:

Someone from the ip address '\' registered the Login Name '\test3'. The password for this Login Name is '\'

ANY idea?

Can you go to and try it? Let me know your results please.

You didn't specify what version you are using by the way, so I am running on the assumption that it is 6.3.

111 40 141155 40 15016515614716217156 40 12715014116447163 40 146157162 40 15416515614315077

? when you say "try it" what do you mean?

If you mean try to register, I tried that and it worked. (By the way, I have a test board on my site, and the registration process for THAT still works.)

Anyway, if you wanted me to try to register, that works...if it was something else, let me know.

Thanks - Tony


I mean I want you do do on that board exactly as you have done on your own board to see if the email has the same strange \ in it. Since the server is also Infopop that would either eliminate or point to a server problem.

That is what the original question is, isn't it? the strange \ ? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

111 40 141155 40 15016515614716217156 40 12715014116447163 40 146157162 40 15416515614315077

Ah..well, I can try multiple users there, if that's what you mean, but I can't do it while another browser window has me as though I'm still logged on as administrator, because I can't log on as administrator on that board. (This is what was going on when I was trying to see what happened when I did or did not include the optional password on signup.)

So I'll try to register another username on that board, maybe while I'm still logged on as one user...


The way the wordlets are assembled by the script has nothing to do with whether you are an administrator or not. It won't matter. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

111 40 141155 40 15016515614716217156 40 12715014116447163 40 146157162 40 15416515614315077

OK...I logged onto ubbcentral with my existing logon, and left that window open. I then opened a new browser window from the link in your message above, and it came up with me still logged on, as expected. I logged off in the new window and clicked on new user, entered a new name, etc, and submitted it, and it accepted with the expect-an-email message.

At first, I didn't get a confirmation email (which is also what happened when I was doing this on my board) out of curiosity, I went back to the browser window in which I had just registered, and tried to register ANOTHER name, by clicking on new user again. It wouldn't let me do this, though the new user button was there...instead, it brought me back, and said I had give my age as,..., as though I was still registering the previous name (even though it had PREVIOUSLY told me that the name was reserved, and I would be receiving an email shortly. ANYWAY, at that point, I closed both browser windows, and attempted to start over at the main index, which it allowed me to do.....

I then went back to check my email client, and found that the message for the new registration that I had completed, had given me a proper message, including the IP and the password.

don't know if this helps, since I did find the behavior puzzling...

oops!!! When I start a fresh window at the ubbcentral main index and then try to register a new user, it's still giving me the message,
" You entered your birth date as February 1, 1984 " with a "submit birth date" button

means the previous cookie is still there??

after I submit this, I'll clear all the cookies again, and see if it persists...I suppose there's no way it can


Same cookie. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Doesn't matter how many windows you have open, you only are operating on one set of cookies.

If you open a browser window, log in, open another, you should be logged in in the second also. Log out in the first and you'll be logged outin the second at the same time.

Anyhow.... the original problem, the wierd emails. You said that this board doesn't do the same thing?

Now try this. look in your languages/english directory for a file named adduser.php. Read the top line and you will see the three backspashes. Try removing them and then reuploading the file in ASCII.

111 40 141155 40 15016515614716217156 40 12715014116447163 40 146157162 40 15416515614315077

well, I did that, and after half an hour I still haven't gotten an email message.

So I tried it for a new registrant and a different ISP that I have...after a minute or two, I got this from that one:

Someone from the ip address '' registered the Login Name 'test6'. The password for this Login Name is ''

All the slashes are gone, but still no IP address, and no password, just like all the others.


I pointed Rick to this thread. He indicated that since the problem does not happen on your test installation, or on our demo site, that maybe you shoukd reupload a clean copy of that file again, taken straight from the .zip.

111 40 141155 40 15016515614716217156 40 12715014116447163 40 146157162 40 15416515614315077

WOW!!! that worked...not surprising, given what was happening, but how the heck did THAT string get altered???
It must somehow have happened when I recently changed the language in the welcome message, but that's a string at the BOTTOM of the file, and I did it via the language editing process...

Anyway, thanks! Tony

I have a hunch.

WHen you just opened it and edited out the \ manually, was each one doubled?


Like that?

111 40 141155 40 15016515614716217156 40 12715014116447163 40 146157162 40 15416515614315077

At this point, I don't know, because I didn't go and look at the file on the server first. Instead, I took my backup file from July 14, and made that change, then uploaded it. Here's the string from the backup file. Since taking the slahes out didn't fix the problem, maybe it's something else with that string:

"Someone from the ip address '\$ip' registered the Login Name '\$Loginname'. The password for this Login Name is '\$pass'";

Maybe we won't figure it out! Thanks - Tony

Hi - I can't believe it, but this staarted happening again....registration confirmation emails with only a slash in place of the IP number and the password!!!

I went in and looked at the language for "pass_body" going through admin/edit a language file, and here's what I found"
"Someone from the ip address '\$ip' registered the Login Name '\$Loginname' on the FPS Discussion Board. The password for this Login Name is '\$pass'. When you next go to the FPS Board, you ought to have a look at the preferences you can set for yourself at My Home."

The second sentence, and some other text, is my addition, but you had asked about double slashes in our earlier interchange and here they are again, completely free! Do you think these are the problem, and - if so - any idea how they came to be here???

I am going to try a few things, including taking out the second slash, but this is the second time this has happened with no explanation yet!

Thanks - Tony

PS: As we are about to announce this board to 4000 members of our association, I am very worried about possible screwups in the registration process.

WOW!!! (as I said once before)

Now I really don't know what's going on...

I tried just removing the extra slash, and that didn't help, though - as you'll see below - I now think I know why it didn't help!!!

Next, I uploaded the fresh language file again, then tried to register a new name and AGAIN!!! that fixed the problem.

So I went in and looked at the language for that message in the adduser.php language file and, indeed, the double slash was gone.

So I went down and more or less changed the welcome message language as I had done before, hit the button for making these these changes, and then WENT BACE IN AND LOOKED AT THAT LANGUAGE FILE AGAIN. And guess what? The slashes in the language for the email had all doubled!!!

So then I hit the button for accepting changes again, and went in and looked, and NOW I HAVE FOUR (!!!) slashes in each place that there was originally one.

Did it again, and now eight...

So any time I hit the button on that language file doubles the number of slashes, EVEN IF I HAVEN"T CHANGED ANY OF THE STRINGS.

I really have no idea how this can happene...obviously the problem isn't with the language files, which are presumably passive, but with whatever does the editing, acceptance, whatever...

REALLY need help!

<img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" /> yeah, that's me - Tony

PS I had another puzzling problem wih a language file, namely that it is not possible to change the language string "Registered User(s)" that is used under extra information. Josh confirmed this "little bug" I think he called it. I'd say the one here is a bigger bug, if that's what it is....

[This message was edited by avnstf on July 25, 2003 at 05:24 PM.]

Are you using 6.3 or 6.3.1?

This might be a bug with the language editor. Slashes need to be added to everything to comment out quotes and such so the language files dont' break. But it looks like it's adding them to the $ sign of the variables too.

I know some fixes were done in this area for 6.3.1 - but need to verify if this still is an issue. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Josh Administrator | InfoPop Community Moderator
Register to see my How To/Site Help Library Forum at
My threads 'tweaking' abilities are for hire for upgrades, tweaks and modifications.

Yup - this is a bug editing that particular file through the online editor.

For now - edit that file using a regular text editor - then upload the language file.

I reported the bug to Rick. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Josh Administrator | InfoPop Community Moderator
Register to see my How To/Site Help Library Forum at
My threads 'tweaking' abilities are for hire for upgrades, tweaks and modifications.

I'm using 6.3...havn't had the energy to do the update...if you tell me it'll fix this, I guess it's worth it...Thanks - Tony

Edit - hadn't noticed your last post...thanks. So...does this have anything, you think, to do with the fact that we can't edit "Registered User(s)" in ubbthreads.php? (cf. topic in "bugs" forum on July 13, "unable to edit language file for main index")

6.3.1. doesn't fix it.

No it's got nothing to do with the other - the "Registered User" thing is just because it really gets it from online.php language file. (as that's used in every page for tracking).

Edit it in online.php language file and you should be set. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> Currently the one in the ubbthreads language file is a dupliecate - not realy being used for display.

In 6.4 if he gives the variables different names - then there can be 2 different text strings.

Josh Administrator | InfoPop Community Moderator
Register to see my How To/Site Help Library Forum at
My threads 'tweaking' abilities are for hire for upgrades, tweaks and modifications.

Josh...well, I edited the adduser.php language file in an html editor, and uploaded it.

When I THEN went to try registration, it SEEMED that everything was ok, BUT I got NO email message...tried several times.

So I then went and uploaded the original, unedited language file, and the same thing happens...go through registration, but no email message...

I'm too tired now to work any more on this, but...really want to fix it. (Wish I hadn't tried to edit that file again!)

Tony <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

EDIT: actually, I now realize I'm a bit suspicious about whether that blasted comcast has been delivering mail for the last couple of hours...something else that should have sent me something didn't work, either! And I just sent a test message, and THAT didn't come through <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

Yeah, the language file shouldn't affect the sending of the email - just the content of it. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> Hopefully when email gets fixed you'll find it works.

Josh Administrator | InfoPop Community Moderator
Register to see my How To/Site Help Library Forum at
My threads 'tweaking' abilities are for hire for upgrades, tweaks and modifications.

yes...I checked today, and the emails I hadn't gotten when I was trying to get things working all downloaded...that's comcast for you! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

I'm a bit surprised nobody else has had this problem, or maybe they HAVE, but haven't noticed it because they haven't been trying new registrations themelves, and users who register probably don't care, because most of them specify their own password on registration, so the board recognizes them anyway.

It occurs to me though, that maybe this thread ought to be moved over to the "bugs" board!

Tony <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Hi Tony,
I just upgraded from 6.2.3 to 6.3.1 and spent about 30 minutes to find out the darn '\' problem. I figureed it out that's because the editor at admin page so I edited the related file with other editor.
Then I saw your thread, hope I saw this thread early. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


OK - here is the solution to the double slash issue - from Rick the developer:

In /admin/doeditlangfile.php find this:
$value = str_replace("\'","'",$value);
$value = str_replace('\"','"',$value);
$value = str_replace('"','\"',$value);
Below it add this:
$value = str_replace("\$","\$",$value);

That should fix it. However you may need to edit out any extra slashes from the language files first (or upload clean language files). But this will prevent it from happening again. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Josh Administrator | InfoPop Community Moderator
Register to see my How To/Site Help Library Forum at
My threads 'tweaking' abilities are for hire for upgrades, tweaks and modifications.

thanks, Josh - just noticed this, and need to fix, as I've run into it again...Tony

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