Well, after many stabs in the dark, and following the excellent directions offered by Groupee, (Also thanks to some help from Kate Thaete at Groupee, and Joshua Petit at Threads dev...:) ), I finally got my forum moved and working.

Now that it is up and running, I will start having all kinds of questions about changes, I suppose...

First question : When I go to the control panel, and go to view the admin logs, I find a list of logs. Each log has ONE action in it. ie:

09/19/06 05:31 AM xx.xx.xx.xx EDIT_CONFIG_FILE Luka 4 Administrator

I have to open each file in turn to read just one line of activity. What's up with that ? I am looking right now at 5 logs. Each with one line of activity. And all done within 15 minutes of one another.

Why doesn't the log append ? Like say, everything that happens in a 24 hour period is put into one log.

Or conversely, is there some way for me to view all the logs at once, instead of having to open each one, one at a time, just to see one line ?

I would think that once the forum has been here a while, that list of one line logs is going to become quite lengthy. If it is a pain in the butt to have to open each one separately now, I can imagine what a pain it will become later...