Obviously the change with email replies will be added upon. This whole thing did need to go through a fundamental change however because the old way was limited to only have replies to your post emailed to you instead of any replies in the thread. So if someone didn't reply directly to your post then you wouldn't get the reply. We've tried to make some of the features more useful and these will be improved upon as they are used and we get feedback.

Favorite forums, now you can choose to only show them on the main screen. The current way in 6.1.1 and previous they weren't truly useful.

Favorite threads, now having the option to get new posts in the thread emailed to you. In 6.1.1 and previous they weren't very helpful in that you would only see them in your "My Home" and no option for replies. Also, with the old way of getting replies to your posts there was no way to go back and turn this off if you no longer wanted replies.

Rick Baker
UBBThreads developer

[This message was edited by Rick Baker on November 19, 2002 at 06:54 AM.]