I was thinking the same thing. A lot of my users also won't have a stinkin clue what it means to make their picture 65x75 pixels either. I'll sound like that Bill Cosby routine about Noah to them... "Hey God! What's a cubit?" They don't know from pixels.

I'd like to allow them to upload an image, and I'd like to be informed when they do so that I can edit it if necessary.

I just finished working on an upload modification for Gossamer Threads Links... the mod is taken from the work of Alex Krohn who in turn took it from Rick from an old version of W3T. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> At least I've got an idea how it works now. I'm going to see if I can put something together with that to allow this image upload thingy. I'll probably screw up because I'm a PERL moron, and I know nothing whatsoever about mySQL... but I'll give it a whack.
