I too use 100% new-user moderation actively monitor new blood. I've had this since day one and it works well, provided you have the time to devote (we get 5 or so new members per day). This wouldn't work for supersites with limited staff of course.

While I agree that bannishment should be a last resort, I don't think it's your only recourse as a site Administrator. Our community has a set of long-standing, very straight forward and easily followed rules based on mutual respect between members. A user who violates them gets a warning or guidance. Repeated violations result in suspension of posting privileges (along with a change in User Title to "Suspended" for all to see) for a time determined by our "Board of Directors" (group of Moderators). Once the user suspension is up, their posting privileges are reinstated and their User Title changes to "Probation" for specific time before it returns to normal. If the user still doesn't get it (repeated violations), or attempts to circumvent the suspension (by reregistering), they are bannished forever.

As a result, our community (almost 8000 strong) is thriving at a very high maturity level, without the typical flame wars and trolls that seem to permeate the net. I've only had to bannish a handfull of bad apples over 7 years of operation. (BTW, our age demographics peak in the early 20s, then taper off quickly after age 35.)

Also, I disagree with the sentiment that misbehavior has to be tolerated based on the member "having a right to their opinion." There's a definite contrast between outright violation of community rules (which I hope you have), and having a strong opinion. I'm sure most of us as Site Administrators have been called every name in the book for preceived censorship from time to time. It comes with the territory. Some members feel they have the "right" to do and say anything they want in your community, which simply isn't true. A reminder that membership is a privilege, not a right usually sets them straight.

Just my two cents on site moderation. PM me if you would like to discuss more about the topic.

Last edited by Z65Paul; 05/18/2006 1:34 AM.

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